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Caixia Chang

Trademark attorney

Tel:+86 10 68056830/6954

Fax:+86 10 68586808

Trademark search, application, trademark review, objection, invalidation etc.
Education Background
Currently studying at School of Law in Peking University
Work Experience
She is responsible for early trademark search and analysis, application for trademark, basic business such as registration, transfer, change, renewal, and revocation, trademark review writing, objection, invalidation and other review cases; copyright (including software) registration, licensing, transfer, and other businesses. She has successfully represented Pentagon Company, Atelier Paulin, Industrial Bank, Xiaoyu Yilian, Beiping Building and other enterprises.

She has successively worked at Beijing Hanhao Intellectual Property Agency (as trademark commissioner), Beijing Donglingtong Intellectual Property Services Co., Ltd. (as trademark commissioner), Xinjiang Hengheng Law Firm (as lawyer assistant), and is currently working at J's Law Firm as trademark attorney.
Chinese, English