Far Into the Future Deep Into the Detail

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J's patent experts regained core patent
for renowned medical equipment enterprises

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About J's Law Firm
Adhering to the “Client First” philosophy,
backed by domestic markets, having broad international view, and pursuing excellent service quality.
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Business Field
Dispute Resolution

Solve problems to achieve customers’s benefits maximization

J's Law Firm is also committed to other non-litigation businesses, such as acting as companies’ outside counsel, providing legal services relating to investment and financing, handling litigation and non-litigation dispute resolution in civil, commercial, economic and other fields, as well as legal assistance and defense for parties in criminal cases. The partners have extensive experience expecially in transnational business and retrials of difficult and delicate cases.

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Intellectual Property

Assist clients in addressing the most significant intellectual property challenges

With the rapid development of economy and technology, China's business environment is also constantly changing and transforming. More and more clients expect lawyers to have extensive and in-depth professional knowledge to address significant challenges in their daily legal affairs and litigation related to intellectual property such as patents and trademarks. We provide effective strategic business solutions and strive for the maximum benefit of our clients in dispute resolution.

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Professional Team
Inheriting and pursuing excellence, we are your legal partners that you can rely on at any time.

Great talents, shining like stars; melting gold for a blade, finely crafted. J’s Law Firm will strive to bring our advantages into full play, and provide clients with attentive, professional, and excellent legal services.

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Change, starting from refreshing cognition.

Let's start with refreshing our understanding, changing our mindset and industry, making our careers more successful and our lives better!

Founder of Beijing J’s Law Firm