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Colin Egemonye

Partner/Practicing lawyer in Nigeria, England, and Wales

Tel:+86 10 68056830/6954

Fax:+86 10 68586808

Litigation and dispute resolution, compliance, management, due diligence/enterprise investigation, service agreement, cross-border business agreement, joint venture, intellectual property, legal risk management, and implementation of foreign judgments
Education Background
Colin graduated from University of Nigeria, Nigerian Law School in Lagos, and Bloomsbury Law University in London. He is a master in business administration (MBA) from the School of Business at Middlesex University in London and has taken the international course on environment and sustainable development at United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan.
Work Experience
As an appearance lawyer and non litigation lawyer for the Supreme Court of Nigeria, as well as a non litigation lawyer for the Supreme Court of England and Wales, Colin has over 20 years of international legal practice and consulting experience in the UK, Nigeria, and several other countries. He has extensive experience in the fields of corporate and commercial law in energy, power, natural resources, international investment, intellectual property, and cross dispute resolution.

Colin participated in the due diligence investigation of a $750 million cement plant green space investment loan in Nigeria. As a member of the international consulting team, he participated in a $20 billion liquefied natural gas project in Nigeria. He also served as a consultant for the 1.4 billion euro Kosovo East West Expressway (which runs across Pristina, Kosovo, and other parts of the country) and the 450 million dollar Zambia Lusaka Chiansi Irrigation Project.