In criminal cases, after reading the defense statement written by the lawyer, the parties often propose a long section of revision suggestions, requesting the lawyer to further improve and refine them. As a criminal defense lawyer, I usually don't take the advice of clients too much, and I believe the vast majority of lawyers and I do the same.
2022-04-14Which court should be sued for civil lending cases? Answer: If there is no agreement on the jurisdiction court, either the plaintiff's domicile court or the defendant's domicile court can be sued. If the place of registered residence is inconsistent with the actual place of residence, the actual place of residence shall prevail.
2022-04-11近日,天津自由贸易试验区人民法院就原告深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司等与被告陈光福不正当竞争纠纷一案作出(2021)津 0319 民初 9934号判决,认定被告从事不正当竞争行为, 并酌定适用2倍惩罚性赔偿。
2022-04-11People often ask when the first instance trial will be held when their family members have been criminally detained? This is actually the calculation of the detention period before the first instance hearing.